Is your institution’s Consumer Information Compliant?
Our Consumer Information Disclosure and Reporting Assessment helps colleges and universities successfully identify and meet their obligation to report and disclose consumer information required under the Higher Education Act, Higher Education Opportunity Act, and other applicable laws.
Schools and colleges are required to disclose a wide range of consumer information to students and families each year. Many of these disclosures must be updated and distributed to students annually. Additionally, schools must report data to the U.S. Department of Education each year to stay in compliance, including IPEDS, FISAP, Teacher Preparation, Campus Crime Statistics, Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates, Gainful Employment and information about student outcomes such as graduation, retention and placement rates.
Failure to meet these requirements has been cited as a top audit and program review finding. To ensure that your school is meeting the disclosure and reporting requirements, we thoroughly review your school’s current consumer disclosures and reporting practices.
Assessing your institution’s compliance with consumer information disclosure and reporting requirements can help you stay ahead of problems while ensuring that current and prospective students as well as the public at large have all of the information they need to make informed decisions about your school.